How to Nail Your Interview in Five Steps
Practice answering questions that the interviewer may ask
With a simple Google search, you can find tons of interview questions and how to answer them such as: Why are the best fit for this job? What do you like about this company? What is one time you had to work in a group setting?

Be confident!
Confidence goes a long and way and it shows to the interviewer that you believe you deserve this job. Even if you feel nervous, pretend that you aren’t to your best ability. Your goal should be to dazzle the room with your confidence!

Dress for the job you want
There is always going to be people telling you dress a certain way, but the truth is that the interview is going to look at you and see if you fit in with the environment of the office. This doesn’t mean to dress super casually! It’s up to you to feel out what is right for the position.

Research the company’s website and take notes!
Every company has a key set of values and a mission statement that they take very seriously. If you can show that you will be able to continue this mission and that you believe in it, you will be one step ahead of another candidate. For example, if a company is focused on customer service, then talk about that!

If you don’t know the answer to a question, ask them to elaborate on it
It’s fine if you aren’t familiar with every program or task that they ask you about. As long as it’s not mandatory for the position, you will be fine.

Interviews aren’t all that bad if you are well-prepared and you do your research prior to coming. If you didn’t get the job, don’t sweat! Every interview gives you little more practice for the future. This is an exciting time in your life filled with endless possibilities and opportunities!