Scott M Is a Flight Attendant Training Success

This is one of the most heartwarming parental testimonials for a very bright and warm student. This is why the staff at The Travel Academy does what we do. We strive everyday to make our students more confident and closer to success. We care about each and everyone of you!

“So many important things to share about your school and our son Scottie’s experience at the Academy. First off the great news. He was offered a flight Attendant position with Mesa Airlines, had his final interview via internet at The Travel Academy, and at the end of the session, he was offered a position. From a small town of 2,400 people in Wisconsin, Scottie never really fit in, he had a large weight problem going through junior and senior High School, but after losing over 130 pounds, found his way. We live in that Middle west central Wisconsin, everyone hunts, fish, trap, drinks beer, if you’re not in a group, an athlete, you just have a hard time, Scottie, is none of these things. He loves history, music, reading, the computer, old Hollywood, the old movies, Audrey Hepburn, Bing Crosby, Gone with the Wind, musicals, travel, he wants to see the world, and experience and see all the great places he has read about. My sister has been a flight Attendant with American Airlines, starting her 30th year, she told Scottie last Christmas Day 2012, he would be a great flight attendant, he had the qualities, work ethic, personality to do this job, and she thought he would be great at it. I started researching and came across The Travel Academy web page. I printed off all of the info I could, and brought it to Scottie, we called and he was signed up and ready to go. He started class April 29th, 2013. I drove him to Eagan, MN, he was so nervous, never really being away from home alone. We got to the apartments, he met the housing person, she took us to the apartment, and he met his roommate. Scottie was just 20 years old. I could not believe that when I went to leave, he hugged me, bye mom, I love you, didn’t even walk me out, that is not like him. I thought he will be so nervous, and scared. Really, I did not get a phone call from him until his 3rd day of class. We assumed he was liking it. He never came home until he graduated the end of May, He took the 120 hour course, took out the loan, which was great for him and us, we didn’t have that much cash available, so the financing was awesome. The apartments were beautiful, he did not need a car, the Academy provided a shuttle to school and back, and stopping one day a week to buy groceries. The apartments are in a very nice area of the city. I felt safe, leaving him there. I cannot tell you what this experience has done for this shy, overweight, not very popular child from Wisconsin. When he came home his confidence, well I could not believe it. The Academy was the best thing he has ever done! Any person considering should I or shouldn’t I, do it. It will change your life. He did get an interview, after applying; they flew him to Dallas, on their dime. Sad to say he did not get the job and was very down. The placement director at The Travel Academy has been amazing during this entire journey; she has helped him so much. We learned about the opportunity with Mesa Airlines visiting The Travel Academy. Scottie came to visit and interview. I also have to say, he had a small class, and that group are so close, he has made lifelong friends, I know it. The group of his friends, about 8 of them, are all employed, 7 flight attendants 1 in the Cruise lines. I believe with Scottie being hired, every one of them has a position in the travel industry and they text almost daily. This school, is the real deal, no parent or family member should be afraid to take their child I have never seen such friendships develop so close and so fast. So it is so worth it, please check out the school. This is a mother who is truly blessed today, my son, is going to be doing a job that he is going to love. Not many people will ever be able to do that!” Sincerely, Mary M. Wisconsin- Son Scott M, hired as a flight attendant with Mesa Air Group