Become a Flight Attendant in Weeks!
Next Class Starts March 25 and is Filling Up Quickly!

✔️ Fast track 10-week hands-on training to start a flight attendant career. GET PAID TO TRAVEL! 


✔️ Most students receive job offers BEFORE GRADUATION – many with MULTIPLE offers!*


✔️ Industry-experienced instructors- Learn from former flight attendants!
✔️ On-site recruitment visits from airlines who offer positions to students WHILE IN CLASS!


✔️ Professional Development- We help you format your résumé and prepare for interviews so you can land a FLIGHT ATTENDANT CAREER!


* Not all job offers necessarily lead to employment.

✔️ Graduate Career Services- We help you MOVE FORWARD after graduation!**


✔️ State-Licensed



** Speak to an Admissions Recruiter for more details.