How to Dress for Class
Clothing for Class
The Travel Academy expects all students to dress and act professionally. We expect our students to dress “business-casual” for class. More emphasis should be on the business versus casual. Here are some guidelines:
- We do not permit jeans, denim pants or jackets of any type, sweatpants, yoga pants, t-shirts, sweatshirts, (hoodies), tennis shoes, flip-flop sandals, over the knee boots, leggings, jeggings, or any pants that are tight to your body.
- There will be days when casual clothing will be allowed.
- All students need to bring an interviewing suit with them to class or purchase one upon arrival.
- Mock interviews will take place in week five prior to recruiters arriving, and a suit is essential for these functions.
Be aware that generally speaking this industry does not allow facial piercings. If you have gauged your earlobes or have nose, eyebrow, lip or any other pierced area that is visible with your clothing on, you will need to remove them for class. Traditional ear piercings are allowed in class.
Airlines vary their guidelines for tattoos. Please speak with an Admissions Representative for more information.
WOMEN’S Attire for Class
Hair should be a natural color and well groomed. For interviews, if your hair is shoulder length or longer, it must be pulled back into a tight bun.
Women can wear casual pants or skirts. Neither should be tight. Dress pants such as boot cut, or tapered leg are allowed. Skinny leg pants, straight cut, leggings, and jeggings are not allowed. Kohl’s, JC Penney’s and Express are good stores to find these types of pants.

Dress/Skirt length and slits
The length of your dress or skirt should not be any higher than 3 inches above the middle of your knee. Anything shorter is not appropriate and not professional. The airlines will not allow your uniform to be any higher than 2.5 inches above your knee, so we are giving you an extra ½ inch. Skirts you wear to class should not have front slits. A side slit is fine as long as it measures one inch only. Anything higher is inappropriate. A very long skirt should not be slit to above the knee. Generally slits in the center back of a skirt to facilitate walking or stair climbing are acceptable. Slits to facilitate a view of your legs are not appropriate for business purposes.

In addition to tailored shirts or blouses, tailored knit sweaters and sweater sets are appropriate business casual choices for women. Cotton, silk, and blends are appropriate. Fit should not be tight and have a professional modest style.
Appropriate shoes for class include heels, flats, fashion boots (below the knee), sandals, and other business types of dress shoes (shown below). Not appropriate: Flip-flops, stilettos, tennis shoes, thigh high boots, or any outdoor types of boots.

MEN’s Attire for Class
Dress slacks or khakis, are appropriate for men to wear to class. No denim pants or jackets.
Long sleeved button up shirts are appropriate. You may also wear a short sleeved shirt, vest, sweaters, or polo shirts tucked in. You could also choose to wear a sports jacket.

Nice dress shoes should be worn. No tennis shoes, hiking boots, or sandals.
Ties are optional except on interview days.
Wear socks that go up to mid-calf so when you sit down, your skin does not show. Socks should match the color of your pants.
Hair should be a natural color, well groomed and meet a conventional style which is appropriate for a professional environment.
Facial Hair
Facial hair should be well groomed at all times.